If you are not already on the Payroll Screen, click on the Payroll Tab at the top of the screen. At the bottom of the screen, under the Payroll History heading, there is a list of all of the payroll batches created, sorted by the most recent payroll batch at the top. You, or any other administrator, can adjust performance settings to reduce the number of payroll batches that appear in the list. Additionally, an administrator can choose to block loading until a Load Button is clicked. If you see a Load Button appear, simply click it to view the bill batches.
The Payroll Batches Tab uses a drill-down structure. Entire payroll batches are at the top level. You can click on the plus sign next to any payroll batch to view the workers that were included in the particular payroll batch. Clicking on the plus sign next to any worker will show you the clients towards whom the worker entered hours. Each level shows you the total Revenue, Cost, and Margin for that group, whether it's the entire payroll batch, a worker, or a client.
Payroll batches and workers also have a printable report associated with them that show you the entire payroll batch detail for that particular payroll batch or the worker detail for that particular worker. To access the report click the link in the Report column for the particular row. Reports can be produced in Excel or PDF format. This setting can be changed by an administrator in the General Tab of the Settings Screen.
All reports are generated when the payroll batch is created. They cannot be regenerated unless you undo and recreate the payroll batch.
There are various commands that you can perform in the Payroll History area, which are detailed in other sections. Below is a short overview for each command. Click the command to view the detailed help topic.
Undo Payroll : Rolls back an entire payroll batch.
Remove From Batch: Removes either a worker or a client from a payroll batch.
Email Report to Worker: Send the worker detail report to your worker via email.