Software Reference

Rate Override Explanation

Table of Contents  > Managing Projects/Activities > Rate Override Explanation

Billing and Payment rates can be set at various levels, namely: Client, Worker, Project, and Activity. The system uses an "if available" hierarchical logic for determining what rate to charge a client or pay a worker. In summary:

Billing rates work as follows:
(1) If there is an activity override rate available, use that.
(2) If there is no activity override rate available, then if there is an project override rate available, use that.
(3) If there is no activity or project override rate available, then if there is an worker override rate available, use that.
(4) If there is no activity, project, or worker override rate available, then use the default client rate.

Payment rates work as follows:
(1) If there is an activity override rate available, use that.
(2) If there is no activity override rate available, then if there is an project override rate available, use that.
(3) If there is no activity or project override rate available, then if there is an client override rate available, use that.
(4) If there is no activity, project, or client override rate available, then use the default worker rate.