The Manage Workers screen is where you configure who gets access to your system. Any worker who will be entering hours, or administering the system, will need to be added in the Manage Workers Screen. You can set the worker's pay rate (even use override amounts specific to a client), assign/edit logins and passwords, send welcome emails, grant various access levels, and store vital employee information.
Whoever signed up to use the system, created the first user account, which is given the name of "Admin". You can change this name at any time. At first, this will be the only user in the system, and it's fine to keep it that way if you are the only person who bills hours in your company. You should add a worker account for every person you use to bill hours to your clients.
The Manage Workers Screen is divided into two tabs. The Worker List Tab and the Worker Details Tab. On the Worker List Tab, you can see a quick snapshot of your workers, view their rate, and see their revenue, cost and gross profit. There is also a quick link to send the worker's login and password, create override rates (special rates tied to particular clients), and assign teams. You can also filter, search, sort, print and export the client list.
Click on the click the Pencil Icon

in any worker row, and you can jump to the worker's record in the Worker Details Tab. From there you can make any change you'd like to the worker's details and click the Save Changes button. To add a new worker, either click the New Worker Button

or click the Worker Details Tab and complete as much information as you'd like (all fields with an asterisk (*) are required). Click the Add New Worker button to save it. To deactivate a worker, click the recycle bin icon at the end of the worker's row in the Worker List Tab.