quick how-to
there several actions you can perform on your workers' expenses and fixed-price items in the time & sales screen. you can add a fixed-price item or reimbursable expense for a worker; you can edit a worker's fixed-price item or reimbursable expense, and you can also delete them entirely.
the first thing you'll want to do when administering your worker's fixed-price items or expenses is set the filter to show all workers. click the filter button on the history toolbar and choose show all for the worker option.
filter button on the history toolbar:
filter to add a reimbursable expense or a fixed-price item for a worker: at the top of the time & sales screen, select the fixed-price/expenses radio buttons:
![3 radio buttons](/SoftwareReference/images/3radiobuttons.gif)
if you are entering a reimbursable expense (such as travel or for materials), select the reimbursable expense checkbox. if you are entering a fixed-price item (such as a flat-fee for a project, or a product for sale), leave the reimbursable expense checkbox blank. starting from the top of the screen, pick the date, the amount of the reimbursable expense, the client, and the project (all clients have at least one project called miscellaneous), the worker, and a description. if you selected the reimbursable expense checkbox, you will immediately notice that your expense entry appears in the daily history expenses tab. otherwise it will appear in the fixed price items tab.
to edit a worker's expense or fixed-price item, click the pencil icon
at the beginning of the worker's row in either the expense tab or fixed price items tab. you will see the worker's entry appear at the top of the time & sales screen. edit any of the information and click the save changes button.